From the back cover: “The survivors of victims of murder and suspicious deaths are often victimized twice—first by the loss of their loved one and subsequently by the system they rely on for justice.”
This book contains stories from 19 families of murdered loved ones whose cases remain unsolved. Two of the featured cases are from Albuquerque, NM: Kaitlyn Arquette, killed 7/16/1989; and Michael S. Sanchez, killed 7/18/2013.
The book also features four unsolved cases from the perspective of the investigators. Chapter 4 is the investigation into the murder of Kaitlyn Arquette by Pat Caristo, the Director of the Resource Center for Victims of Violent Death.
The author, Dennis N. Griffin, wrote this book to bring attention to the problems in the criminal justice system, to make the needs of victims known, and to help victims learn that there are resources for them.
One of the stories is written by Monique Willis, the mother of an only child Alonzo Thomas IV, killed in Kansas City, MO in 2014 and whose case remains unsolved. Out of her grief and loss, she started Momma On a Mission, Inc. She said her mission to survive the murder of her son became a mission for other families like hers.
Another important section of this book is the information about Molly’s Law, 2016 legislation signed by Illinois governor Bruce Rauner about the filing of wrongful death claims – when there is not justice available in criminal court, there can be some justice in civil court.
You can listen to a discussion with Dennis Griffin, Monique Willis, and our Director Pat Caristo at the following link, or click the play button below: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/insidelenz/2019/09/17/imaginepublicity-on-air-survivors-anthology-authors
You can purchase the book Survivors by Dennis N. Griffin from Amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/195071201X (using smile.amazon.com will allow a portion of your purchase to go to a charity of your choice, including us. Go to our donations page for more information).