Our mission is to help the survivors and co-victims of homicide deal with the aftermath of a violent death. We bridge the gaps in the availability of information and resources for victims by providing stepping stones for victims to move from a place of vulnerability to a place of positive resolution.
Bulletin Board

The stepping stones we provide are:
Availability / Support
We will be there in person, by telephone, and on-line to actively listen, evaluate needs and offer support. Our office is a convenient, professional, and pleasant setting in which to meet with families and others needing information and guidance. We also connect those left behind with others who also have lost loved-ones to violent death and have come to a place where they can support and comfort others. Such connections are extremely important in promoting the process of healing.
Information / Referral
We aid families in dealing with the complexities of the criminal-justice process. We explain the process of obtaining police reports, gaining access to data, and making contact with case detectives and case workers. We’re a resource to families in cases where no suspect has been identified and thus they have no court advocate. We help form questions and make an effective complaint (if necessary). We know what additional services are needed and available, and exchange referrals with community organizations to meet the needs of our victims and their families.
We provide experienced and trained advocacy to and for the victims/families with appropriate agencies, a presence at police stations, court hearings and other structured meetings when a professional presence may be helpful, assistance in filing for victim compensation, assistance with enforcing and obtaining victim rights as set forth in NM Victim Rights Act.
We educate first responders, law-makers, employers, schools, and the general community about the unique effects of violent death and attempted homicide. Being a resource for accurate and well-researched information can assist in decision making for individuals, communities and law-makers.
We provide Spanish-speaking peer support / Proveemos de habla española el apoyo entre pares.