We have found these other organizations to be helpful and compassionate for survivors and co-victims:
Support Groups
In addition to our Support Groups, the following groups are available:
- The Albuquerque Chapter of Compassionate Friends
- The Office of the Medical Investigator’s Grief Services Program
- French’s Grief Resource Center
Children’s Grief Support
These groups are excellent resources for parents or relatives helping children cope with the sudden loss of a loved one:
- New Mexico’s Children’s Grief Center
- Sesame Street’s Grief Tool Kit
Counselors and Therapists
Please contact us for a list of counselors!
Legal Support
There are several options for free legal consultations in New Mexico:

- The Parnall Law Firm has a robust victim services program: https://www.hurtcallbert.com/
- New Mexico Legal Aid provides free legal help for qualifying New Mexico residents: https://www.newmexicolegalaid.org/
- The Bernalillo County District Court offers walk-in clinics on the first (general civil cases other than family law) and third (family law only) Wednesday of every month: https://seconddistrictcourt.nmcourts.gov/free-legal-help.aspx
Please contact us for more information!