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Thank you, in advance

You can donate via PayPal by clicking the button below:

We are a 501 (c)(3) organization. Your donations are tax-deductible.

Don’t have a PayPal account?

No problem! You can still make a donation in any amount to the NIA/NM Resource Center for Victims of Violent Death. Simply click the DONATE button above, and then click the “Donate with a debit or credit card” link when you get to the next page.

Other ways to donate:

Smith’s Inspiring Donations

If you shop at Smith’s, you can donate a portion of your grocery bills to us, automatically and with no hassle! Visit and sign in or create an account. Once you’re signed in, go to your account information at and select “Inspiring Donations” from the menu. You can search for us by name, or put DO326 in the search field, and click “Enroll.”

United Way of Central New Mexico

You can also donate through United Way if you would like to set up a recurring donation. Visit their website here: and select the “Search for Agency” option after you click “next”. We are listed as “NIA/NM Resource Center For Victims Of Violent Death”, under Account Code “NIANMR”.

Amazon Smile & Survivors Book

If you use Amazon, you can dedicate a portion of your purchases to charity! Just visit to get set up using us as your charity (We are listed as NIA NM, the parent agency of the Resource Center).

If you already use Amazon Smile for another charity, you can purchase the book Survivors by Dennis N. Griffin, and a portion of the proceeds will go towards our agency. The book features a number of cases from around the country written by investigators and survivors of violent crime, including one case that our agency was involved with.